Smit Mehta is an investment analyst here at Calculus and recently we asked him some questions relating to his views on the industry, his role here and more about him!

Can you tell us a bit about your role at Calculus?

I am part of the investment team at Calculus, and I assist the team with identifying and evaluating potential opportunities, undertaking market research, preparing investment memos and financial models, and I also act as a secretary of the Investment Committee.

What are your credentials/past experience, for working in your position?

I have a purely financial background and consider myself a generalist investor. My work experience includes working in Investment Banking research and a broking firm. I have a degree in financial markets, and I am currently working towards becoming a CFA Charterholder, having recently passed the Level 2 examinations.

Which of our portfolio companies is your favourite and why?

We invest in new age companies and our portfolio is made up of unique and interesting companies with an edge. My favourite companies are Spectral MD and Invizius. Spectral MD is a medical technology company, which uses artificial intelligence to predict how a wound will heal. Invizius is a biotechnology company which is developing a priming solution which will reduce the life-threatening inflammatory effects of haemodialysis. Both companies are bringing new, proprietary technologies to the market and making transformational changes to the lives of people.

What most interests you about working with early-stage companies?

Start-ups bring efficiency and positive change to the world and it’s fun and interesting to see the world evolve in real time. Being involved in early-stage companies brings an early glimpse to the future.

How does the pipeline look at the moment and does this reflect wider activity in the UK VC market at present?

Calculus’s pipeline is strong and has great opportunities across the technology and healthcare sectors, which reflects the wider UK market – these are the two main growing sectors in the UK economy.

What do you most like about working with Calculus?

Calculus has an open, honest, and ethical work environment and we take a collaborative approach to the work we do. It’s perfect when you not only have great, interesting and engaging work but also incredible team mates to rely upon.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

If I am not working, I am at the gym, hanging out with friends or poking my nose into things which I don’t know about.

Favourite Book and Podcast?

I really enjoyed What It Takes by Stephen Schwarzman, adventurous book of how Blackstone was built and on the podcast front – StartUp by Gimlet Media is the best one to date.