Funding received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for rapid deployment of novel detection reagents to support mass scale testing in low to middle-income countries.

The funding will allow for MIP’s technology to be used to exponentially scale diagnostic testing for low and middle income countries suffering with endemics and pandemics.

As a key part of managing disease outbreaks deploying diagnostic testing effectively has a large impact. MIP’s technology can meet the requirements both for speed and scale in the novel recognition reagents and aims to reduce current timelines to allow design and scale up of novel detection reagents in under 4 weeks.

Stephane Argivier, CEO, MIP Discovery, said: “COVID-19 taught the world the importance of pandemic preparedness, particularly the importance of effective deployment of diagnostic testing. We are proud to be aligned with the foundation and other partners such as Flexotronix, a Sapphiros company, in developing new approaches to delivering diagnostic disease testing on a global basis. Our proprietary nanoMIP™ technology will redefine how the world will respond to endemic and pandemic crises, whether natural or otherwise.”

“Pandemics are very much global events which require rapid global responses. This programme, driven by the foundation funding is a key step in the development of high volume, cost-effective IVD tools that provide a rapidly scalable solution to sudden demand for any infectious disease crisis, whether these are known conditions such as Ebola or emerging viruses similar to recent strains of COVID-19.” said Mike Evans, Chairman, MIP Discovery.