eConsult works as a digital gateway to a GP practice, allowing clinicians to determine the right care pathway more efficiently for patients, benefiting the GP practices by releasing capacity and reducing costs.
eConsult is driven by a proprietary, clinician led bank of 10,000+ questions produced using evidence-based medicine, NICE guidance, Clinical Knowledge Summaries and NHS.UK sources. It efficiently records patient details, case history, symptoms, and provides them to the GP in a concise format where they are processed in 2-3 minutes. Research shows that 70% of requests are closed without the need for a face-to-face appointment.
Rapid adoption of eConsult’s solution has been aided by the introduction of centralised government funding for online consultation in 2016 and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased the need for digital triage systems leading to an acceleration in uptake.
As well as continuing to support the dominant position in NHS primary care, the investment will support the rollout of the Company’s Urgent and Emergency Care tool, eTriage, and outpatient triage tool, eSpecialist. eTriage is designed to automatically check-in and prioritise patients upon arrival to an Emergency Department, identifying sick patients earlier, reducing the waiting time and ensuring that any red flags are immediately re-directed to the appropriate emergency care. eConsult is also advancing with its additional product, eSpecialist, which is intended to improve the efficiency of outpatient appointments and allow a joined-up service through primary and secondary care.
Censo Biotechnologies (Axol Bioscience) supply high quality adult human cells, especially live human neurons, created by stem cell technology, to many of the world’s biggest and best-known pharma companies and research institutions.
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An investment into the Calculus EIS Fund of Calculus VCT may only be made on the basis of reading in full the information set out in the relevant Information Memorandum or prospectus.
When investing, your capital is at risk. The value of shares and income from them may go down as well as up and despite the tax relief you may not recover the amount originally invested. An investment in smaller and unquoted companies carries a higher risk than many other forms of investment. Shares in unquoted companies are not readily marketable. You should not invest in an EIS or VCT unless you can afford to lose some or all of your capital.
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The tax benefits available depend upon your individual circumstances and these benefits may change dependent upon future legislation.
Important Information
The investments referred to in this website are not suitable for all investors. Calculus Capital Limited is not able to give advice to prospective investors about the suitability of the investments. Prospective investors are recommended to seek specialist tax and financial advice before investing in the Calculus EIS Fund or Calculus VCT.
An investment into the Calculus EIS Fund of Calculus VCT may only be made on the basis of reading in full the information set out in the relevant Information Memorandum or prospectus.
When investing, your capital is at risk. The value of shares and income from them may go down as well as up and despite the tax relief you may not recover the amount originally invested. An investment in smaller and unquoted companies carries a higher risk than many other forms of investment. Shares in unquoted companies are not readily marketable. You should not invest in an EIS or VCT unless you can afford to lose some or all of your capital.
An EIS or VCT investment is only appropriate for investors with a medium to long term investment horizon; the timing and extent of realisation cannot be predicted and may extend beyond five years. It is not possible to allow a partial withdrawal of your investment. You may request a total withdrawal, but since many investments made will be in unquoted companies, this may not be possible. Withdrawal within three years for the EIS and five years for the VCT would lead to repayment of any tax reliefs received.
The tax benefits available depend upon your individual circumstances and these benefits may change dependent upon future legislation.